Installing Docco on Windows

Docco evaluates .coffee or .js files for comments in Markdown syntax to generate documentation. The setup process was a little confusing for me on a Windows machine, so I thought I would be friendly and document the process for others.

Install Node.js

  1. Install node.js
  2. Add node path to NODE_PATH environment variable
  3. Add %NODE_PATH% to PATH environment variable

Install Python

  1. Install python
  2. Add python path to PYTHON_PATH environment variable
  3. Add %PYTHON_PATH% to PATH environment variable
  4. Add %PYTHON_PATH%\Scripts to PATH environment variable

Install Pygments

  1. Download Pygments 1.4
  2. Extract the compressed file to %PYTHON_PATH%/Scripts/pygments-1.4/
  3. Start a command prompt at %PYTHON_PATH%/Scripts/pygments-1.4/
  4. From the command prompt, run python install

Install CoffeeScript

  1. Download coffeescript
  2. Extract the compressed file to %NODE_PATH%/node_modules/coffee-script/
  3. Create a file called %NODE_PATH%/coffee.cmd...

Use the following contents:

@echo off
node.exe %~dp0\.\node_modules\coffee-script\bin\coffee %*

Install Docco

  1. Download docco
  2. Extract to %NODE_PATH%/node_modules/docco/
  3. Create a file called %NODE_PATH%/docco.cmd...

Use the following contents:

@echo off
node.exe %~dp0\.\node_modules\docco\bin\docco %*

Run Docco

  1. Run docco <filename>.js